Pursuing New Opportunities in This New Year
It’s the year 2021 and we are still in a global pandemic. We are in the midst of a changing administration amid one of the most intense political climates of American history. Yet, there is still a sense of anticipation and excitement that a new year brings. This excitement often centers around new opportunities to live life differently, accomplish goals, and improve. However, with each opportunity come new threats and obstacles that can diffuse our excitement and deflate our energy for seizing them.
Every opportunity we are afforded will come with new responsibilities and will need to be met with adjustments to our attitudes, habits relationships, routines and schedule. In order to make such adjustments we must start with a new way thinking. If you enter a new opportunity thinking negatively then it is likely that you will only see the challenges and obstacles. But if you enter into each new opportunity with the expectation that you were built for the challenges then you will create the environment for success and overcome each obstacle.
Seizing new opportunities requires creativity and an attitude that can see possibilities with every challenge. One accomplishes this by a having a spirit that is determined to forge ahead amid uncertainties. People who succeed in this way are people who find solutions to every possible problem and enjoy the rewards that come with the newness of each opportunity. Don’t shrink back. Abandon all your fears and inhibitions. That new opportunity that you’ve been awaiting is waiting for you.
Happy New Year!
Dr. Toni