Embracing Change

I saw a meme on social media this week that read, “There comes a point in Life, when you realize that nothing will ever be the same, and you realize that from now on, time will be divided in two parts – before this and after this.” I can relate to this truth, having experienced major life changes in the past 2 years.

When loved ones pass away and our children leave home (for real J) we find ourselves having to embrace change. When our family dynamics change it can put us in a state of dysphoria and require a redefinition of our identity. We must create new normal, new traditions while honoring the traditions of the past.

Not all change is painful. Change comes with new opportunities, promotions, marriage, new babies, and grandchildren. Whether good or bad, change requires that we embrace.

In his book, Steering Through Chaos: Mapping a Clear Direction for Your Church in The Midst of Transition and Change, Scott Wilson’s shares principles for embracing change.

  • Continually refreshing our vision reduces frustration and keeps the goals of change in front of us.

  • Communicating our vision for change invites others to help us and creates a wave of enthusiasm about change.

  • Connecting with coaches, mentors, spiritual advisors, and communities, helps to navigate the waters of change and maintain healthy perspectives and responses to change.

  • Celebrating transforms our perspective, strengthens our resolve, and produces tenacity to conquer doubts and fears about change.

Wilson states “It is possible to thrive in the midst of change.  To do so, you’ll need to have a clear vision of God’s calling, excellent communication, relationships of affirmation and authenticity, and tenacity.” 

While the context of this book is about church leadership, the principles found within are transferrable to any area of life, work, personal growth, and development. Change can be challenging but with the right approach and strategies we can embrace change.


Dr. Toni

Ebony Steiner